Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Random Neighborhood Pictures

When I take my pictures off my phone I always make a "misc" file. Here's some things from around my neighborhood that I snapped pictures of.

I haven't been down to play bingo in awhile, but sometimes I actually win a couple dollars!

This tree is down the street from me and it was all in bloom. I had never noticed it before. I asked around and no one knows what kind of tree it is.

My neighbor painted their house is horrible bright yellow. HORRIBLE. They added some white trim which only mildly made it better.

When the baby guess are all big and now they are just more dumb geese lol

view from stump lake

Love these flowers in my friend's yard

This is my artist friend. She found this funky faux fireplace in a thrift store. Brought it home and made it a wine rack lol

An "after elections" party complete with home made limoncello

Cute tray she had made

a sunset

the spooky tree

another sunset

when your friend is like "I'm blowing up balloons and I think I might die" so you go over and help

did you say bananas? Nice shirt to wear to the bar lol

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1 comment:

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

These were great Julie.
But I must agree, that color yellow is hideous. Glow in the dark yellow.

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