Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Almost there!

GUYS!! I'm so happy my kid is going to graduate! Woohoo
I kind of think any kid who is a senior this year should just get a pass because this school year was effed up. Poor kids. They are having a graduation ceremony on Saturday. They are breaking the graduation up into THREE. He will be in the middle one according to our last name. So nice and warm time at noon. 

Today they have school from home but they have already turned in their laptops so I guess it's a no school day? Weird. Tomorrow he has school at school. He was saying he might not go but I told him he should go and hang out. Last couple days of being a kid before adulthood starts.

Last night we went to try and find pants and a shirt for him to wear. You still can't try clothes on anywhere. We got a pair of pants which luckily fit but couldn't find a shirt. Might go out today. We found one in Scott's closet that will work if nothing else. 

I went through my blog last night and found all his first day of school pictures!

The "school from home pic" that he humored me with haha.

We finally trimmed off that dead branch on the tree. Going to try and get him to take one before graduation there. Then I'm all done with first day of school pictures! It will be so weird not having any kids in school anymore.

I went and got my eyes checked yesterday. The new place is nice! The only thing I didn't like was having to sit and wait between the tech and the dr. Like just wait until everyone is ready and do it all at once instead of having me sit in this weird spot in a hallway.

My eyes take FOREVER to go back to normal after being dilated. I have light brown/green hazel eyes and they DIE in the sun afterwards. Here is my fancy make shift glasses. I stopped to get a snack on the way home.

Lovely view. Drugs are bad people!

ok I have 3 emails of real work to do today. Woohoo. Guess I should get on that. Hope you all have a great day!

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Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

I remember all those photos of Trevor! Will you guys be empty nesters when he goes off to school?
Those glasses reminded me of glaucoma glasses.
I don't do well with sun or brightness without drops or surgery.

Julie H said...

@Peg he was thinking about going to a trade school but it is really expensive so he is probably just going to work with his dad (doing what they teach in a trade school lol)

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