Wednesday, September 18, 2024


Hello happy hump day!
Yesterday in my FB memories was Lucy's gotcha day. Hard to believe she is 12 years old already. You know you've been blogging for a long time when you actually have a post from 12 years ago from when you found her. 

This picture is from like 2 years ago. She's a chubby white cat now.

Yesterday I went to work and took the quilt I made for my co-worker. She loved it and cried. She gave it to her daughter last night. We went to lunch yesterday too so that was nice.

After work I went by Great Wolf Lodge to drop off some swim diapers for Jess. They spent the night there last night with Daniel's award of a free nice room and dinner that he got (He works there). 

Then I came home and went to darts. We won 4 to 3 no thanks to me haha. I didn't hang out afterwards. I just came home, ate a snack and went to bed. 

Here is Tina supervising me when I was in my sewing room for a few minutes yesterday.

I had pulled out all my Halloween & Fall fabrics thinking I could use a bunch up by making some coasters. This is the left overs. I guess I had more than I thought. 

Maybe next year I can use it all haha.

No plans after work today (can't believe it's after 1 already, I've been trying to upload stuff to the work computer all day) so hopefully some sewing is in the near future.

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Monday, September 16, 2024


Good morning happy Monday!
Scott is off today so I'm about to go hide in my sewing room and work in there. 

Yesterday I got the quilt for my coworker washed and packed up for her. 
I like the way it turned out. I'll take it to the office for her tomorrow.

I got this thread rack from my friend Traci's son/daughter in law a few weeks ago. It was full of thread and bobbins. I got all of them moved over to my other thread rack thing and the bobbins in boxes. I put this up on my yard sale site for the club and someone came and got it. Nice when things get picked up right away. They also took the recycling my neighbor keeps giving me. I need to tell them that the kids don't want to take it in anymore. 

Next project! I pulled out all my Fall/Halloween fabrics to make some more coasters. I picked up this top one on one of my trips to Joanns recently. Perfect for coasters!


I went through most of my fabrics but have a few more to go through. 

The kids came over around 2:30 yesterday. Nate loves sitting with Grandpa and watching TV.

Daniel pretty much spent the whole time watching You Tube videos on my computer in the kitchen. He did take a break to dump out the toy box though.

Rosie played in between scrolling on my phone. 

She doesn't fit in the walker very well lol

They went home around 9 and Rosie was definitely tired and ready for bed. She never took a nap which is unlike her. The baby only took a short nap too.

Tomorrow is the first night for the new dart league. I will be going into the office too so a busy day tomorrow. 
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Sunday, September 15, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday!
The kids are coming over today but for the later work shift so I can fart around until 12-1 and then I need to clean. 

Friday night's dinner made in the crock pot. That is carnitas meat (at least that's what it said on the label). It turned out really good over rice with my almost ripe avocado from my co worker on top lol.

Tina trying out Tubby's box. She said this is niceeeee

She also discovered the pocket-like cover on the back of the recliner and tried that out. Lucy is like what ARE you doing?

Yesterday was the birthday party at my brother's house for 3 out of 4 of his kids. Little Joey 6, Adrian 15 (Stella 3 in Feb on her lap) and Brooklyn 2. It was a little rough on Stella since the party was for everyone but her. My mom and her other grandpa brought her a present too. I wish I had thought of doing that too so she'd have something to open too. She's too little to understand.

I got Joey this dinosaur egg thing. It's basically playdough with the head, feet and tail made of plastic and you have to make the body part. Kind of lame after he got it open lol.

Scott and Nate

He's such a cutie! (Stella on the left there)

His mom gave him a whole slice of pizza to eat with his 2 little teeth. He had a great time gnawing on it.

Rosie's like I should be playing with your phone lady. The kids were all dirty from playing.


Daniel played with all the little boys. He's almost the same size but like 2 years younger. That makes it rough sometimes. We went through that with Trevor. Kids don't understand why they act different when they are the same size.

After the party we went to the grocery store to get a few things and then I worked on my coworker's quilt. I got it all done! It took me 4 hours to clip the seams last night. I put it in the wash a bit ago. Lets pray it looks beautiful when it comes out lol.

I'm so glad to be done with that so I can work on some stuff for my craft booth now. I have a show in a couple weeks.

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Friday, September 13, 2024


Hello! Wednesday evening our power went out. 
I was stacking my squares so I just used this little lantern lol. It was out for about 3 hours and came on just in time to go to bed ;)

It's really weird that my neighbors on either side of me are on a different power pole. I'm connected to this one along with the people on the street behind me. Something happened to the transformer I think since it was only us that were out. Trevor was outside when they came and he said they poked it a few times with a stick and then it was working. Nice easy fix.

Thursday I only worked til noon then went to the Dr for my "physical". Which was basically a pap smear, boob exam, and telling me my cholesterol and liver numbers are high. They were the same 3 years ago I think so no change really. Guess I'll have to get back to Lose It again and a carnivore diet probably isn't the best option for me lol. While she was doing the pap smear she somehow pinched my lady bits with the clamp thing and I said OW OW OW. Jesus. That wasn't nice. She was very apologetic lol. Not the way to get people to want to come back and do that. I got talked into making a colonoscopy appointment but might cancel it later. We'll see. It's not til January so I have a lot of time to debate on emptying my bowels without eating pizza or something first ;)

I started to sew my quilt squares together yesterday and had a small panic moment when my machine wouldn't sew the knit fabrics without doing huge skips. TG I had a bag full of needles from the thrift store a year or so ago and found some that said stretch knit on them that worked! Now to lay them out on my bed to arrange them and then start sewing the rows together. I'm really hoping this works the way I want it to.

Jess sent me this picture of Rosie eating an apple yesterday. She's so funny. 

Tomorrow we have a 3 in 1 birthday party at my brother Joe's house. Jess is supposed to come and bring the kids so that will keep us busy. Sunday she is working the later shift so it will be a kids weekend. Maybe I should take Monday off now lol.


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Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Hello happy hump day!

Nothing too exciting here the last couple days. I went into the office yesterday. It was super busy as was today. Apparently the 2 up boss who gaslighted me in a room full of people saying that our office didn't need any help was going to the office today. To help. Go figure. Freaking jerk. Glad today wasn't my day to be there. 

After work yesterday I went by the grocery store and got a bag of dog food then went to Joanns and got some flannel. I got that cut and have 100 square combos together to sew. But I am going to put some batting in there too now so that is my next project. Cutting 100 6" squares. I'm going to get started on that in just a minute.

Tomorrow I am only working 1/2 a day and I have my physical in the afternoon. So far my blood test results haven't shown up in my chart so I will probably get surprised with my you're fat in your blood results tomorrow in the office.

No other plans for the week other than regular work and Saturday is a big birthday party at my brothers. They got smart this year and are doing 3 kids together since their birthdays are August 29, September 5th and September 11th. Yes today is my niece Adrian's 15th birthday. She's almost all grown up! 

My mom delivered the last 2 quilts I made for her friend yesterday. She said her friend said she liked them so that is good.

I just watched the movie Still Alice. What a tear jerker. I hope no one else in our family gets dementia or Alzheimer's. What a suck ass way to go.

Ok dinner snack time for the animals and then off to cut some squares.

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Monday, September 9, 2024


Good morning happy Monday. If Mondays can be happy that is. 
Aunt Flow is kicking my ass. She's so mean, making up for not coming last month.
Yesterday I got all of this

Into this. I've pretty much decided to do it rag quilt style with some flannel in the middle and that will make it rag up for the seams. I just have to go buy the flannel now.

I have Bunco tonight. I'm either going to to take some ravioli that I bought to make or get a pizza if I go out and run some errands. Probably the raviolis since I don't really want to go anywhere. I should go into the office tomorrow and I can do errands on the way home.

Trevor made Tubz this box a week or so ago and I can't believe she actually gets in it. She's such a goof ball.

Finally caught up on work emails this morning now to go back to the other work I have to do. It took me forever to fall asleep last night so I might have to take a little cat nap for my lunch break. I stuck Snookie in the tub and wet her down a bit last night so she'd stop panting and it worked. Poor dog trying to survive the summer in a house without central heat & air. Hopefully we will stop being so hot soon. Today should be the last real hot day for awhile. TG there are no more 100 temps in the forecast!

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Sunday, September 8, 2024


Good morning happy Sunday!

It's a sad Sunday here since Aunt Flo showed up again. WTH Auntie I was hoping you were gone forever. Apparently my left ovary wanted some more time to try and kill me with cramps. Good thing I don't have any plans for today.

The kids came over around 11:30 yesterday and got picked up around 8:30 so that was a long day at Grandmas. Daniel was DONE with our house around 7 and wanted to go home lol.

This is earlier when he was watching his You Tube videos and was like go away I'm busy!

This little guy is so happy. He only fussed a little all day.

Rosie crying for my phone..


He figured out how to make the walker go forward. Simon thinks he is her puppy and follows him around.

oooo pizza


He's still doing the army crawl

The kids were being fussy so I told them lets go outside and we went for a walk (older 2) and we went around the block. Daniel was PISSED when we got to the corner closest to the house because he WANTS TO GO HOME!!!  Luckily his parents came not too long after that haha. Other than that they did pretty good walking around the block.

So that was a busy day. 
Snookie was panting like all night long last night so I woke up exhausted (weird dreams the last 2 nights too).  I got up to ants on the kitchen faucet. So weird. Just a few randoms on the wall not like a huge trail. Maybe I found them before they sent news back to the whole colony.

Scott is still in bed so I might start making some breakfast myself. We had a frozen pizza at like 3 yesterday so I'm hungry!

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Saturday, September 7, 2024


Good morning happy Saturday!
Work was so busy yesterday I never got caught up and even worked an extra 1/2 an hour.
Probably have a lot to do on Monday! I think I'm just covering the one more day for the other girl. She has a big office and a small office and both of them were busy.

After work I went grocery shopping with no menu or list. I only forgot to get dog food so I'll have to get that Sunday or Monday. They have bit left still. 

Simon is the grocery bag inspector.
That's over $300 of groceries. Crazy.

Got those put away then went for a little walk with Simon. Today is the last day in the 100's on the 10 day forecast so hopefully it will be cooler soon. (99 tomorrow lol)

Today the kids are coming over around 1 I think. Scott is making breakfast now and I should take a shower real quick. I need to clean up the kitchen table and run the vacuum before they come over. Got the Snack Mix and more popsicles haha.

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Friday, September 6, 2024


Hello my name is Julie and we are drowning in work on this Friday. 
My boss sent me an email asking me to redo my accomplishments list for my review in some other form. Stupid. Hopefully it works for her since it's all fucking dumb.

Yesterday we had to have an area staff meeting for the area boss to show us this video of ants making a bridge to help each other out. OK. glad we wasted 20 minutes for that.

In other news look at Melisa's cat Felix with his own personal window. She said he's adjusting well to being an indoor cat. Hopefully he stays that way.

The mail man called me yesterday to tell me I had some packages and he was running out of lockers. I was at work in the office so I asked Trevor to go get them for me and he said no. Like WTF? Just didn't want to. I'm still mad at him. Maybe he'll enjoy his bill for living here in exchange.

I went by Joanns after work to look at interfacing for knits and it is so expensive. I'm going to test out using some that I already have and see if that will work. Hopefully it will. I got the last few items from the girl at work to cut the seams out of and then I'll work on the next step.

We lost at darts 2 to 5 last night. It was the last game of the summer season. I didn't get any exciting plays lol. I think we have a week off until the fall season starts. I need to put all the games in my calendar on my phone still.

No plans for tonight other than my quilt project probably. Jess asked if I can watch the kids tomorrow around 1 for a funeral and she isn't working on Sunday. I should probably go to the store after work and get the kids snacks and food in general since we are almost out of everything again. 

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Thursday, September 5, 2024


Hello happy Thursday! 
I've had a busy  morning already. 

I went and got my blood work done. In hindsight I think that place may not be in my network and I'm going to get a fat bill. Pray for me. 

Then I went through the drive thru and got something to eat and some coffee and then got gas and a car wash. Then I went to the dentist and was done there in 1/2 an hour. 

So that's all done. Next week I week I have my physical where they'll tell me my blood said I'm fat and I need to schedule a mammogram. Then I'll be good for awhile. Oh should make an eye appointment too that's been awhile and my favorite glasses are starting to get some marks on the lenses.

I have a few more minutes then I am going to drive to work for a bit. 
Darts tonight too so a busy day!

I finished up the beige quilt yesterday! The colors blend more in person where you can actually see they do coordinate lol.

Glad to be done with that order!

I started the next one already. Cutting up my coworkers mom's clothes. I got all the seams cut off but she has a few more shirts she had found she wanted to add. Most of the reason for going into the office lol. She's going to bring them for me. Then I can work on it this weekend. 

Most of them are knit of some sort. I think I'm going to get some kind of stabilizer to iron to the back of them. I was debating on making them rag quilt style but I don't think that will really work with these types of fabrics. It will be a learning quilt for sure!


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