Monday, October 21, 2024


Hello happy Monday! We made it to another week. Finally caught up all my old posts so if you're bored there is a lot to catch up on ;)

After the party on Saturday I went home and laid on my bed for awhile before just going to sleep. Simon had extra snuggles. 

She kept bringing me this little ball and if I wasn't paying attention she'd bark at me lol. 

The kids came over bright and early in the morning so we had some breakfast, lunch and snacks while they were here. Have to restock the grandma snacks. They ate about 1/2 a bag of popsicles lol.

Rosie was a little cranky here and there but then she took a long nap so she was probably just tired.

Little man took two little naps. 

He is so stinking cute! He's started to be vocal and does some baby jabber and squeals.

He loves the walker and was trying to play with Daniel

I took them home after Rosie woke up from her nap and got some of the leftovers from Jessica's house. Played with the kids at their house a little bit and then came home and worked on my blog for most of the evening. 

Now today I need to do some laundry, pack and eventually drive to Sacramento where we are having an all California employees meeting/training all week. Booooo. The actual stuff is Tuesday-Thursday but I am going tonight so I don't have to get up super early. If I have time I might stop by Costco and see if they can straighten out my glasses a bit. They got a little bent yesterday playing with the kids. Honestly I'd rather stay home all week and sew haha.

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Sunday, October 20, 2024


Saturday was Daniel's birthday party day! I got about an hour in the morning then Jess asked if little Nate could come over for awhile. Then all the kids woke up so I got all three. 

Do you like his shirt? I think Melissa & Eric got that somewhere. So funny.
I missed the kids so much being busy the last few weeks. 

He loves popsicles! His top teeth are trying to come in so I'm sure it feels good too.  I had the kids until about 11:00 when I took them home so I could go get the pizza's and nacho stuff from Costco. I called ahead for the pizza to be done at 11:45. I got there, got the chips and cheese bought then paid for the pizzas and they were one. HURRAY! That was easier than I thought it would be. Then I went home to change out of my jeans because it was not cool enough for that yet. So hot! I changed and got all the food stuff from my house (I made a mac salad and bacon wrapped little smokies that morning too) and took it over. Scott was still waiting for his clothes to be washed and playing a video game so he came later (GRRR). 

My friend Carolyn came. My friend Dee didn't make it since she had her mom at her house and wanted to stay home to take care of her. 

Rosie fell off a folding hair onto her face on the concrete in the beginning of the party. She scraped the top of her forehead and her nose mostly. I thought it was going to look horrible but the next day her nose looked fine and her forehead wasn't too bad. 

My mom and dad brought my brother Joe's kids. The kids all had fun playing together. Everyone has someone close to their age. Little Joe is 6, Daniel is 4, Stella will be 4 in February, Rosie is 2 and so is Brooklyn. Brooklyn is so tiny but she was also a preemie.

Our next door neighbor Steve & Joyce always come. 

Daniel's grandma Norma

Daniel & Stella playing

They almost wiped Brooklyn out here but she was fine lol


Daniel's quilt 

Daniel's sister Elissa and her boyfriend Josh in the back and Daniel's dad Jeff

He opened this toy first and didn't want anything to do with any presents after lol. I think it was a hit. 

Jess put the cupcakes so cute for Scott & Daniel to blow out some candles

an attempt at a family picture haha

After the party I went home and went to bed! It was great lol. I think I have finally fixed my travel time being messed up! 

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Friday 10/18! Scott's 54th birthday!
He had the day off work but unfortunately I had to go into the office to finish off those dang letters.

When I woke up in the morning Snookie had herself tucked in at the foot of the bed. How cute is that?  The weather is FINALLY changing and it's not so freaking hot. Just hot with a bit of chill in the evening. 

Scott said something about going to the store so I left him with my list. Mostly stuff for Daniel's birthday party on Saturday.

Does anyone else's family never put away the non fridge/freezer stuff? Like thanks for shopping but can you put it all away too? Is that too much to ask? It might be. 

Weaponized incompetence is a psychological dynamic where someone pretends to be incompetent to avoid tasks or responsibilitiesIt can occur in relationships, at work, or in friendships. When men use weaponized incompetence in relationships, it can lead to an unequal division of labor and create resentment and frustration.

While I was at work I was talking to the office boss and the sun was coming through the windows for the blinding session. She put this big white board there and it was nice while the sun was there but I moved it later because I couldn't see anything.

After work I got the quilt out of the dryer. It fringed up so nice!

Then we attempted to go to dinner for Scott's birthday. Just the three of us. We went to Texas Roadhouse first and there was literally no where to park. Then he went to BJ's and we parked and went in and they said an hour wait so we left. Then he went across the driveway to Applebees where we waited 5 minutes. Definitely not fancy but hey we celebrated. I got the oriental chicken salad.

Then after we went to Baskins. They of course had to get the huge waffle cones. I got one scoop in a cup. I've eaten out enough the last week that food doesn't even sound good now.

Tried to get Trevor to take a picture with me but he didn't want to so I was messing around ;)

Thank God I could rest on Saturday. Oh wait that's birthday party day! Also watch the kids for a bit and go to Costco before the party haha. 

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 Another trip post! Almost done! We were out the door early on Tuesday to take me to the airport! I stupidly booked a flight home that had TWO plane changes so three planes total. It was kind of nice though to break up the flight so it wasn't super long.

First I went from Connecticut to Maryland.  

I had about an hour and a half so I went to the bathroom and then got an iced coffee and pecan cinnamon roll from Cinnabon. OMG. So bad I bet that was a million calories and a ton of sugar. 

and then I flew to Chicago where I got this disgusting NOT "Chinese food". Don't go there. Yuck. I threw a bunch of it away.

Can you see the rainbow? I saw the full thing when we were in the air.

and then it was the longest flight to San Francisco with not one but TWO crying babies that took turns crying the entire flight. I couldn't even drown it out enough with my ear buds in. 

They finally both stopped crying about 10 minutes before we landed. Sheesh. That was the worst.

I brought a book with me on the trip, one of my mom's old Reader's Digest books that sat on the bookcases for my whole life. I think originally they belonged to one of my mom's Grandma's, probably Grandma Billy (genetically her aunt but her grandpa married his wife's sister after the wife died). One day when I went over there she had them by the front door to donate. I took about 5 books for nostalgia thinking I'd read them then maybe donate them myself. I finally read about 1/2 of one on my trip. 

The first story was called Lost! and it was so good. Apparently it's a true story. from Goodreads:

In July 1973, Bob Tininenko; his wife, Linda; and his brother in-law, Jim Fisher, set sail from Tacoma, Washington, on a thirty-one-foot trimaran down the West Coast to Costa Rica. The journey was expected to take a matter of weeks, but ten days into the cruise, the party encountered a freak storm off the coast of northern California. When gale-force winds and fifty-foot waves capsized their boat, the voyage became a nightmare.
For seventy-two days, the trio was lost at sea. Challenged by nature and compromised by a bitter rivalry, their courage and will to live was put to the ultimate test. Jim, the owner and skipper of the boat, was a devout fundamentalist whose recognition of God’s will in every event brought him into increasing conflict with his brother-in-law. As the two men battled to take control of a dire situation, Linda kept a secret that would lead to heartrending tragedy.

The other story I read was Baker's Hawk. I think I read part of the 3rd story but that was probably mostly screaming child time so that doesn't stick in my head lol. 

From Goodreads 

An excellent young adult novel about a young teenage boy, a hawk, a hermit, and a nineteenth century town teeming the vigilante justice and hate. It was made into a film starring Clint Walker and Burl Ives.

I just saw they made it into a movie so maybe I'll have to look for it. 

I was so happy to get off the plane when it landed. Then I was starting to worry my suit case wasn't going to show up but it finally got spit out. Scott was already there waiting so I just had to wait for him to come around and find me. I hopped in the car and told him I was really thirsty. About 45 minutes later he finally got off the freeway on the one exit with nothing to drink lol. We finally found a McD's. He ordered a meal and I got a drink and of course we had to pull around and wait. Like what for? 

The animals and I were so happy to see each other when I got home. Nothing like some furry snuggling haha. I miss my little buddies when I'm gone!

Wednesday I worked from home and then after work I finished sewing the quilt I was working on for Daniel's birthday party.

Thursday I went to work in the office and worked on sending a ton of certified letters out. Each letter cost almost $10. We have to send one to each application that didn't get funded telling them that it is deferred. Seems like a huge waste of government money right? Apparently if they acknowledge that they didn't get funded and are ok with being rolled to the new year we don't have to send them a letter so I'm going to push for everyone to get called next year. That would save a ton of money and work!

After work I cut the seams on the quilt and put it in the wash.  I used the new scissors I bought and man that was a work out on my hand!

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Look at that another vacation post! 
On Monday (10/14), Columbus day AKA Indigenous People's Day we got back in the car and went back to Massachusetts but this time we were headed to Boston!

Oh before that they were out of milk so we attempted to go to Starbucks for like an hour and there was none? We even tried a mom and pop coffee place but the line was like 45 minutes long so we scrapped that. Eventually we found one and got a coffee and a breakfast sandwich.

I think we got a little bit lost on the way, the freeways there in Boston are crazy. One minute you're underground then your on a bridge but wait what way do you turn off and oh there is that bridge again but now we're going the other direction haha.

Eventually we got to the area she wanted to go.

We spent most of our time in this area here and then walking trying to find something to eat.

Originally we walked through here at the Quincy house but we weren't ready to eat yet. There were so many places to choose from!

Faneuil Hall Marketplace, where they have bathrooms but don't have any toilet paper (all day we tried 2x)

This Holocaust Memorial was amazing. Part of it was closed off but you still got the deep meaning of it.

On the glass pains are all the numbers assigned to people. There were so many it was really a great visual of how horrible it was. 

This is how Kristin walks lol. I'm like why are you walking so fast??? I'd have to wait for her to stop or do a little jog to catch up.

We ended up going to this place to eat. Then we decided to just get a drink and an appetizer since it was a bit spendy. It was so good though we should have just got a full meal. Although we were pretty full after we ate the charcuterie board. The meats and cheese on there were so good!

I told Kristin to order me something without pineapple in it and she got me the Apple Fizz. It was pretty good.

I think she got the pumpkin one

I'd definitely go here again! Libertine was the name of the place. 

After that we walked around some more. Went to the car and ditched the umbrella I'd been carrying since my weather app said it was done raining. What a freaking liar that was.  

We ended up going to an Irish pub that Kristin's sister recommended. There was no where to sit when we got there so we ordered some drinks. One round was almost $40!!! So one round was all we had there lol. Eventually a little table opened up so we sat there for a little bit. The place was so cute but a bit too spendy for me. Give me my $4 drinks from my club bar haha.

After awhile we went back to that Quincy market place (and tried to go to the bathroom at that other no toilet paper place) and got some pizza before heading home. We also got a big ice cream sandwich that I actually threw part away because it was so huge. 

Our view while eating pizza

On the way back to the car it was POURING. So that was a fun drive home.

Kristin said we walked 16,000 steps that day and I believe it! 

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