Thursday, August 21, 2014

This Is Good

Yesterday after homework and dinner (and dishes) Trevor and I went out for a little bike ride. When we were riding he asked me "won't you be happy when we all move out and you can have a craft room?". My answer is a little different than it used to be when they were little and the possibility of them leaving seemed like NEVER.

Now that the kids are all getting older and I have got a glimpse into empty nesting from a few of my friends, I have to say that now my answer is "no". No I'm not ready for all of you to leave me. Sure a craft room is nice but it's going to be so quiet and lonely without my little ducklings here.

Although, I might be worrying about something that never happens too. I do know of someone that had to move out of her house to get her two twenty something sons to move on.

Funny how when you're younger and you watch those sitcoms with the mom that's always popping in and bringing plates of food you think how RIDICULOUS that mom is and how she should just let them go and live their own lives. But really, our kids ARE our all consuming lives for most of OUR lives.

Hmmm, makes me want to go call my Mom.

Also, to enjoy all the moments of when they are little for awhile longer. Even if they do include things like homework and having to get up extra early to drive them to town to make up something at school.Pin It


Amy, a redeemed sheep said...

Great post! Enjoy them while you can...

Runbunsoff said...

I needed that perspective.. I only have 4 years until my daughter leaves home.. it will come all too fast.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

:-)good post!

Wanna know the difference of a mom and a childless woman - I had the company of kids for 4 days. I was thrilled as I waved goodbye and went inside to the quiet and was able to sit and enjoy a full cup of coffee without anyone needing anything!

michiganme said...

Hoping all is ok with you and your family after earthquake...

Chris H said...

Unlike you,I can't wait for everyone to leave my house! But then, I've had a few more than you, and then the EXTRAS like grandkids move in too. *sigh*

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